Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Best Kind of Uncle....

Uncle Teddy was the best kind of uncle. He had the ability to laugh and make you laugh (almost until you cried!) and you always wanted to go places with him and do things with him because he was so much fun. At the same time, he was a good mentor and teacher and a person who led by example.

I was blessed to have grown up in Toronto while he was living there because I got to spend so much time with him. Every week on his days off, he would pick me up from school. Often times, we would go out to eat, but thinking back on those memories now, I do recall going grocery shopping with him and making filipino dishes or buying and steaming our own crabs as well. He enjoyed cooking and he was really good at it too. He was a man of many talents.

I agree with my cousin (Ed) about Uncle Teddy encouraging us to follow our passions. Whether it was photography, or playing a musical instrument, or karaoke (Geraldine – you know you love it!), Uncle Teddy always encouraged us to find something that we love and be really good at it (or at least really love doing it).

I think in some way, each of us carries a piece of him with us whether or not we realize it, because we were all touched by his life and his love for us.

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